April 11, 2022

How To Add A Horse Stall to Your Barn

A horse barn gives your horses ample room to be comfortable in a stall. A custom horse barn provides you enough space to house the less dominant horses away from, the more dominant horses. Adding a horse stall is always recommended in your barn. However, planning and installation are required to add a horse stall to your barn. Major points that you must consider while adding a horse stall are:

  • Consider Future Aspects
  • Build Bigger Stalls
  • Add Mats in Flooring
  • Select the Right Stall Design
  • Install a Dedicated Tack Room
  • Ensure Proper Ventilation

The infographic shared below gives you a detailed infographic that will provide you with deep knowledge about the horse stall and how to use it.

How To Add A Horse Stall to Your Barn

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